Doctors shocked when cannabis oil cures woman of terminal cancer by: Vicki Batts for Natural News
There is no shortage of patients curing their cancer on their own, with a little help from a medicinal plant we call cannabis. Recently, a 52-year-old womanfrom the United Kingdom revealed that cannabis oil saved her life. After a terminal cancer diagnosis and failed chemotherapy treatments, Joy Smith says that she was willing to try just about anything — including cannabis.
In spite of her initial skepticism, Smith took a leap of faith that seems to have paid off in huge dividends. Two years after beginning treatment with cannabis oil, her stomach cancer is in complete remission and the last bits of cancer are just about gone.
Smith, who hails from Coventry, says that doctors predicted she had just six weeks to live when they first diagnosed her stomach and bowel cancer. Many of the tumors were deemed inoperable, and experts pushed her to try chemotherapy to extend her life. But, as is so often the case, chemo just made her condition worse: She developed sepsis and her line had to be taken out.
It was then that she learned some of her friends had been looking into alternative treatments for her — including cannabis.
Smith told the Coventry Telegraph, “When you’re told you have six weeks to live you’ll try anything, trust me.”
“I was a bit sceptical about the oil at first as I’d never taken drugs or anything like that – but I know I would not be here today without it. I want to tell everybody,” she continued.
“Cannabis oil should be legalised for medical purposes – people are dying and the chemotherapy isn’t curing them,” the cancer survivor contended.
While Joy may have been apprehensive about cannabis oil initially, learning about other people who had success treating their cancer with it inspired her to be more confident. Soon, she saw her own results — which ultimately convinced her of the plant’s potency against one of the world’s leading killer diseases.
“I was taking it on and off. But when I’d been having it three to five times a week, the scans were getting better and then when I stopped taking it the scans showed no change,” she explained.
Why are governments continuing to outlaw this safe, affordable and highly effective solution against cancer?
“Widespread awareness and legalization of cannabis as anti-cancer medicine would collapse the for-profit cancer industry which depends on a never-ending supply of cancer patients for their profits and government funding,” explained Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger,” publisher of and other medical science news sites. “For millions of people around the world, the answer to cancer is literally a weed that grows for free, yet tyrannical governments around the world are beholden to the financial interests of the corrupt cancer industry, and they enforce prohibition against natural medicine, denying the populations of the world a basic human right: access to natural medicine,” Adams added.
Joy has described herself as a “walking miracle” after doctors in Spain confirmed that the cannabis oil was healing her cancer.
But, unsurprisingly, other members of the mainstream medical community have shunned her treatment protocol. Julie Frater, from Cancer Research UK, reportedly commented, “We don’t advise patients to use cannabis oil or any alternative therapies to treat cancer. Standard medical treatments for cancer are all evidence-based so have been tested to see how safe and effective they are.”
Of course, recent research has shown that chemotherapy is anything but safe; it can actually make cancer spread faster and become more virulent than it was before. As Joy Smith’s case has shown, chemo isn’t the godsend the medical community purports it to be.
The truth may be suppressed by mainstream medicine, but many people are turning to cannabis oil and other natural remedies in an effort to fight off their cancer — and there is no shortage of success. In September 2017, another brave woman revealed that cannabis oil had cured her “incurable” brain cancer. As usual, where modern “medicine” fails, plants rule.
Another cancer survivor came forward earlier this year, to tell the world that plant medicine had cured her breast cancer in just five months.
Despite the clear volume of people successfully treating cancer with cannabis, the mainstream medical establishment refuses to even consider the possibility of plant medicine. Who is truly being anti-science here?